So, I wrote a novel and "published" it. Well, maybe publish isn't quite the right word. I wrote it and distributed it on the internet. I wrote it, without thinking about who my audience would be and where I would find them. That was probably the biggest mistake, thinking of the marketing afterwards, and not before I ever even wrote it.
So, actually, I wrote it years ago, it was 2010, I think, and I was trying to get over an obsession. Anyway, its the only Nano write novel so far I actually finished, not as in 50,000 words finished. I do that every year, I mean as in completed the story and act.
So basically, here is the plot of the novel. A young woman has a falling out with her family and joins a cult, little does she know the horrors that await for her the organization. Its basically an adult horror novel, but more of a thriller style, as opposed to a blatant gore fest.
It is licensed Cc-by-sa. I never could figure out what to do with it for years, and then one day, I decided that I had enough of sitting on it. I thought of the horror of dying and no one actually getting to read it, and then I made a drop box account, stuck it up there, and posted it to a few facebook groups - of people who mostly weren't interested. I don't tend to hang out in writers groups. I'm not desperate to make money from my book or collect royalties on it. (If that was the case I would have never published it this way in the first place.)
The book is kind of an afterthought, something I just did, and then didn't know what to do with after I wrote it.
I also wrote a script based on it, that I haven't released it yet. Perhaps some day someone will want to make a movie or play of the book. I thought about putting it on a place like github, but I felt that was too technical for people who just want to read it and don't really want to contribute to it in any way. So, here is the link to the drop box of the book.
So, here is the thing. We already have a vast free software movement, but not so much for culture. We do have quite a few books in the public domain, and I can think of things like wikibooks for text books. I have seen other free culture webcartoons and plenty of music. I've even seen a few movies. But novels, I just can't think of that many that meet the free culture definition, besides works already in the public domain. More importantly, even if I did stumble across one, say a friend wrote it and blogged about it, I wouldn't know where I could find others of similar quality. Maybe part of the problem with novels is they don't really have anything to do with gaming, visual mediums or factual information. So, if you have any idea about novels please mention it in the comments.